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Kanthaka Group on the Club Q Shooting

The Kanthaka Group, as a law firm dedicated to the principles of equal justice for all and that all people are created equal, condemns the senseless violence of 19 November 2022.  At the same time, we commend the heroic actions of our brothers in arms, Richard Fierro (U.S. Army, ret.) and Thomas James (U.S. Navy), along with one of the performers, who subdued the alleged shooter.  Kanthaka Group, being an LGBTQ+ ally, wants to extend our heartfelt sympathies to the families of those that lost their lives and to all affected by this tragic event.  The resources of the Kanthaka Group are available to assist you with your legal needs.

The actions of one angry and disturbed young man have profoundly impacted the lives of so many.  From victims and their families, to the patrons of Club Q, to the first responders of numerous public safety organizations, to the Colorado Springs LGBTQ+ community and the greater Colorado Springs community, and, yes, even the alleged shooter and his family – the ripples of this event carry with them a tsunami of emotions, suffering, and harm. It is unthinkable that such pain and suffering could be brought to El Paso County.

In truth, despite the flurry of special interest groups each wanting to take advantage of this tragic event to advance their own agenda; the reality is that these events should not solicit a debate about Red Flag laws, 2nd Amendment Rights, alternative and non-traditional lifestyles, or sexuality.   Rather, the debate should be centering on the societal causes of these events.  How has it become all right to take a weapon in any form (i.e. firearm, bomb, knife, or even the spoken word) and lash out violently and senselessly at anything that is different from you, not in accord with your personal values, or that you find offensive?  The Kanthaka Group feels strongly that the best way to honor those that have left us this week is to find ways to open that dialogue.  We must build communities based upon loving-kindness (metta), understanding, mutual respect, and non-violence if we are to leave this Community and this Nation as a beacon of hope and peace for future generations.

Finally, the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus have prepared and performed a memorable tribute to those affected by the Club Q shooting.  We appreciate their efforts to create the conditions necessary for community healing.

Club Q Tribute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qugYkMSKfXw.  To contribute to the efforts that are underway for community healing make your donation to: https://www.coloradogives.org/organization/COHealingFund.